Amid the struggles of the current pandemic, it seems appropriate to think back to another horrific time in America. The year was 2011! The tragic occurrences of 9-11 temporarily interrupted the start of the best years of my educational career. Just a couple of months before that infamous day and with my wife's encouragement and support, I was hired as an assistant professor of education at Martin Methodist College (MMC) in Pulaski, TN.
After teaching high school English for 10 years and serving as a school administrator for 14 more, I was ready for a change. I found a near-perfect fit in the next 16 years at MMC. Today I look back after the first three years of my retirement and remember many of the joys and challenges of that transition into higher education. One major change that I resisted for quite a long time is the topic of this short blog.
Do you remember your first word processor? I had been using Corel WordPerfect as my word processor of choice for over a decade ever since joining the cyber generation in the Nineties. As far as I could tell, I was the only professor at MMC who wasn't using Microsoft Word. That posed lots of communication issues. As much as I might have hoped, the others weren't going to make any change to help the new guy. Believe me I tried to persuade them. It was my opinion that WordPerfect was much more user friendly. Being the new kid on the block with no seniority, I convinced no one. After a few years of muddling through, I finally made the transition to Word. It wasn't easy or fun. But this aging dog learned all those new tricks.

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