Monday, February 17, 2020

New Tricks

My daughter Krista is a nurse; she's a great one...caring and knowledgeable. Delores is really good at nursing me. She compassion and smart. She knows just how to coerce me into trying new remedies. Those used to be called home remedies. Now she finds them on Google or Facebook.

Several days ago my sinus drainage cough had turned into a hacker and was threatening going bronchial. Donning her nurse hat, Delores encouraged me to try some things. I began taking garlic capsules. That is something she does regularly, but I never have until now. Then she peeled an onion, and I wore slices inside my sleep socks all night. I used a thicker pillow to elevate my head. Today she made a poultice of onions and garlic, heated them, placed them in a handmade bag, and had me put it on my chest along with the Vicks VapoRub I had already been using. I was also taking my Coricidin HBP for cough congestion.
beige ceramic jar beside grey ceramic pitcher and sliced lemon fruit
Photo by Hans Vivek/

All of this together seems to be making a difference. It better, since we have a two week road trip west to Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico starting this Friday morning that includes visits with six of our grandkids. I should know for certain in the next couple of days whether this old dog has been able to learn some new tricks.

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