Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Gotcha: Tumult, Trampling, Terror!

Isaiah 22:5 describes a time of chaos, attacks, oblivion, and a day noisy with mobs of people. "The Lord, the Lord Almighty, has a day of tumult and trampling and terror in the Valley of Vision." This isn't quite the level of pandemonium that we are experiencing in our current pandemic with its shut downs, quarantine, and social distancing. We are nevertheless living through the strangest of times and creating a new normal.

We prayerfully trust to awaken on the other side in just a few weeks. Our talks with God are filled with supplication for blessings of health and prosperity on family and friends from whom we are separated temporarily. Worship and other meetings have all gone online. Recreation has changed drastically. One friend described a date walk outside with his wife. There's not even any curling to watch on  ESPN.😖

UNO ATTACK Challenge!/YouTube
Board games seem to have exhibited a rebirth. I recently played Attack UNO. That involves periodically pressing a button on top of the UNO Monster's head. If you're lucky, it just moans. Otherwise it literally regurgitates several cards into your lap. After awhile you learn to quickly turn the attacker toward one of your opponents before tapping the spitting spot. UNO has become a physical game of Gotcha!

We just passed through a time of remembering Jesus' resurrection. Remember Easter? Find your way to Celebrate, Jesus, Celebrate! Matthew 28 describes the female followers of Jesus who wandered to the tomb wondering. They endured an earthquake and discovered an empty tomb. They even had what must've been a terrifying encounter with an angel who appeared like lightning with snowy white clothes. They were instructed to go and tell the disciples that HE IS RISEN!

The women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy. It's natural to feel anxiety and even fear in times like these. Let us not succumb to Satan's game of Gotcha. Replace his dark feelings of tumult, trampling, and terror with the Good News that Jesus is risen!

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