Saturday, January 4, 2020

4 = 2

Mathematics can seem magical. When does four equal two?  So far in the New Year I've fulfilled 100% of my major resolutions. I've worked out all four days. If I get this finished and published before midnight, I will have blogged every day this year. I've also eaten right so far. So how does the number two fit into this riddle? Yesterday my wife and I joined a gym. We have worked out both days so far...all two of them.

Planet Fitness seems to be our new home away from home. Even though we don't follow the same workout routine or use the same machines, we have been there together (sometimes side by side) every minute of the way. It hasn't been that hard, only different. Many choices are available to help us get fit and lose weight.

It reminds me of a conversation between reporter Danny Concannon and White House press secretary C.J. Cregg in the last season of one of my favorite TV series, West Wing. Danny asks, "So if I'm gonna jump off the cliff, and you're gonna get pushed off the cliff, why don't we hold hands on the way down?" We want and need to get healthy for longevity, quality grandkid time, and ease of travel. Regular time in a gym seems like the edge of a cliff we have not heretofore approached. We figured the rewards of holding hands as we jump off will be well worth it. I am hopeful that 5 = 3.

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