Saturday, January 11, 2020


In Acts 2:36 Peter asserts, "God has made this same Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ." When it comes to our belief in who this Jesus is, there are only three possibilities. None of these includes prophet, great teacher, or really good man. Yes, He was all three of those and much more. It's the more that's on my mind today. I believe Jesus was Lord. For you who disbelieve that, there are two choices left. Either the man was a liar or he was a lunatic.

Through Jesus' own testimony and that of many others in scripture, He was and is Lord, Messiah, Son of God, Emmanuel, etc. If not, then he was lying. In that case His pants (if he ever worn any) should've caught on fire. The trousers of apostles and other Biblical authors should've blazed up as well. We have no record of any such fires. Jesus did not lie.

Perhaps He was a lunatic, crazy, insane, mentally ill, of unsound mind, etc. I suggest that a loony would not have been able to perform all those miracles. Neither would He have been able to manifest 
actions of love and kindness while living a perfect life as a human. That simply makes no sense. In addition to being nonsensical, the idea is illogical, irrational, unreasonable.

With that I rest my case. Jesus was neither lunatic nor liar. He is my Savior and Redeemer. In the words of the familiar contemporary hymn:

Jesus is Lord; my redeemer;
How He loves me; How I love Him.
He is risen; He is coming.
Lord, come quickly! Alleluia!

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